AI Market Research Tools

Top AI Market Research Tools 2024

In the rapidly evolving landscape of market research, leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning has become essential for swift data comprehension. Here are nine cutting-edge AI market research tools that can enhance your understanding of industry trends and customer behaviour in 2024.

1. Gong: Transcribing Customer Interviews

    Gong, an advanced AI-powered call recording and customer intelligence platform, facilitates the transcription of customer interviews, providing AI-generated summaries with key highlights, contextual insights, and frequently used keywords.


    Who Should Use Gong?

    Ideal for marketers and researchers conducting multilingual audience interviews through recorded calls.


    Gong prices its licenses per user, and interested parties need to contact the company for a customized quote.

    2. Speak: Data Visualization

    Speak, a data visualization service utilizing natural language processing (NLP), can extract insights from various mediums, including text, audio, and video files. It allows users to upload files from any source and convert data points into shareable visualizations.


    Who Should Use Speak?

    Recommended for those capturing research data in multiple mediums and interested in AI-driven data examination.


    Speak offers a pay-as-you-go option for its basic AI transcription service, with monthly plans starting at $29.

    3. Exploding Topics: Uncovering Trends

      Exploding Topics, a trend-spotting and social listening platform, utilizes AI to swiftly source and validate data accuracy with human data analysis experts. This combination ensures the rapid acquisition of data on emerging trends, making it a valuable tool for obtaining information on trending products, services, companies, and more.

      Exploding Topics

      Who Should Use Exploding Topics?

      Suitable for anyone engaged in market research, especially beneficial in the early stages of research activities.


      Exploding Topics offers free access, with additional features available through a subscription to the Pro plan, starting at $39 annually.

      4. Poll The People: Finding Survey Respondents

      Poll the People, a panel analysis program, leverages OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology to assist in creating, distributing, and analyzing market research surveys.

      Poll The People

      Who Should Use Poll the People?

      Ideal for those lacking an existing survey audience and looking for an AI-powered solution.


      Pay-as-you-go plan at $1 per response, or a Plus plan for $50 monthly with additional features.

      5. Remesh: Running Online Focus Groups

      Remesh, an AI-powered focus group platform, enables users to schedule, guide, and analyze online focus groups in real time. The AI assists in analyzing feedback, identifying common themes, and generating key points for immediate review.


      Who Should Use Remesh?

      Suitable for teams running their own focus groups, providing real-time insights during sessions.


      Pricing details are not publicly available, and interested users need to schedule a demo for a customized quote.

      6. Lexalytics: Custom Research Applications

      Lexalytics, a text analytics platform using NLP, evaluates text-based documents, extracting sentiment, intent, names, and other relevant information. It’s adaptable for market research in various industries and can be incorporated into custom applications.


      Who Should Use Lexalytics?

      Recommended for research teams planning to develop their own custom research platforms.


      Customized plans are available, and interested parties should contact the company for pricing details.

      7. SurveyMonkey Genius: Building Research Surveys

      SurveyMonkey Genius, an AI-powered survey builder, uses AI trained on over 25 years of survey data to generate editable surveys quickly. It suggests the best question types, offers balanced multiple-choice options, conducts sentiment analysis, and highlights survey response trends.

      SurveyMonkey Genius

      Who Should Use SurveyMonkey Genius?

      Beneficial for both existing SurveyMonkey users and newcomers seeking an efficient survey creation tool.


      Included with a free SurveyMonkey account.

      8. Claude: Exploring Research Findings

      Claude, a self-contained conversational AI chatbot, offers data analysis assistance by allowing users to feed data files for analysis. It provides summaries and customer personas based on research findings.


      Who Should Use Claude?

      Valuable for individuals dealing with data-rich reports and spreadsheets who seek a tool for efficient data analysis.


      Free to try, with a Claude Pro plan available at $20 per month for increased usage limits.

      9. YouScan: Social Media Market Research

      YouScan, a social media analysis tool powered by AI, extracts data from images and text on platforms like Instagram. It goes beyond captions and hashtags, recognizing text and subjects in images to evaluate brand appearances, sentiment, and brand associations.


      Who Should Use YouScan?

      Suited for companies with socially active products seeking insights into brand depiction on social media.


      YouScan plans start at $299 per month, billed annually, with unlimited user seats.


      Employing AI tools is crucial for streamlining market research processes and interpreting metrics efficiently. Whether identifying trends with Exploding Topics, conducting surveys with Remesh and Poll the People, or delving deep into data with Claude, these nine AI-powered tools offer significant benefits for market research in 2024.